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Hera Oh... defensive spells? Hhhmm not really her area. Well she knew them.. but she wasn't sure it was something she could teach. Seren considered the idea for a moment. She had heard rumours of Lord Borr's lesson and figured he hadn't been much help to Oakey...
"Perhaps Headmaster Tate, he taught the subject previously, though I imagine he might not have much time to assist you. Alternatively perhaps you should see Porfessor Descoteaux, in Charms. I'm sure he'd be able to help you out a bit with a shield charm."
She couldn't think of anyone else she would go to see... though admittedly the boy was asking a fair bit, there wasn't much that could save you from the killing curse... but she wasn't about to burst his bubble.
Thank you Professor Bentley Oakey said he was glad to have such a nice teacher who would help him through his troubles.
I'll go see the Headmaster about it right away. Oakey was about to leave to go thank Mr.Stryker as well when he turned around and smiled to the Professor again.
I can't wait for your first lesson. See you soon.