Thread: Suits of Armor
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Old 05-23-2011, 06:19 PM   #63 (permalink)
Formerly: RonHermione 4 eva
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Default *giggles* He's so confused. xD
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Originally Posted by Emms View Post
The blonde smiled at Chandler as he put the icepack on his foot. Yep she was a superhero. Indeed. Nod. She grinned. She wondered what Alexbear said about Emma. "Well Alex talked about you a lot. You two seemed as if you were good friends. He said that your his best guy friend and that you are really cool," she said. "Alex is my partner in crime."

The blonde nodded proudly. Yep, her cousin HAD been a FANTASTIC Head Girl. No denying that. She smiled at Chandler. "Yes, we do look a lot a like. I wish she was my sister. I don't know how it happened that we look exactly alike. Maybe I am secretly her sister. Who knows?" The blonde flushed at her mistake. "Wow did I really just say Dish um ow her? Wow. Sorry.. I've been staying up too late studying. I meant. How did you know her?" she laughed as she asked him the question. Wow.. That was quite a fail on Emma's part. Great job.

"So.. what happened with you and Alex?"
Frown. That was true. Chandler didn't know if it was true OR not now. He really wasn't that sure but they were doing okay, even him and Ellie were doing okay now. At least she didn't like him anymore. "All of zat iz true, except for me being cool part." He chuckled, nah Chandler was laaameeee. Alex was the cool one. ..Didn't she already say that? SNORT. "Errr...Emma? You just zaid zat." Smooth. xD

Awww, that was so cute. "'Ey, you could be. But..I don't zink zo some'ow if you both know zat you're cousins." It's not like cousins can just become sisters suddenly. Blink. Blink. Blink. Now Chandler was confused. Was she talking in a foreign language as some joke or something else? He had no idea to be offended or not. "Errr...yeah." Awkwarddd. "I just knew 'er briefly when she was 'Ead Girl I guess. I didn't know 'er before'and. But..she's cool..exceptforwhenshegavemewedgies." He mumbled the last bit, for obvious reasons. -__-

What...what happened with them? Chandler swallowed thickly. "Didn't..'e tell you?"
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