Thread: Statues
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Old 05-23-2011, 05:03 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hester Nevada Monroe
Third Year
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Originally Posted by elllla_Wtwins View Post
Ella wandered down the corridoor, holding her books. Stopping Ella wrinkled her nose, flipping back her dark hair. Bleurgh What was that?!? Slowly she walked a bit further down and spotted the roped off area. No way.. Ella knew exactly what this was. Ella stood there and just looked at the swamp. It was coooool


Matt grinned, eyes wide as he ventured into the dark, unexplored region of this vast stone fortress... Oh yeah. Self-over-exagerative-commentry. He had it in the bag.

His eyes scanned the few students that lined the statues hallways. Then he spotted a familiar face he hadn't seen in donkeys. The mere sight of her made the smile on his face widen magnificently. Pushing his floppy fringe out of his face, he broke out into a jog, his hands colliding with her shoulders as he grabbed her from behind. "Ella!"
Do you hear that love? They're playing our song.

♥ ♥ ♥
Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it.
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