Thread: Harry Potter: Heart Like Mine - Sa13+
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Old 05-22-2011, 10:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Periwinkle Evie Paeng
Fifth Year
Default Heart Like Mine - Sa13+
Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the
Harry Potter world. It goes to J.K. Rowling

Heart Like Mine
Chapter One
Abriella Dumbledore
(Summer Holiday)

Abriella's POV

It's funny when you want to tell your best friend something you can't because you
don't know how well he's going to take it. I trust him. I do. But I can't go up to him
and say "Hey Matt, I'm in love with you." and run away It just doesn't roll that way.
You can't just avoid the person you love for the rest of your school career. It just
won't work. I would love to avoid him for the rest of my school career because
everytime I'm near him my heart flutters. I can't help it. I have a hard time
controling my emotions around him. I have to act like a best friend that's not in
love with a best friend. Do you know how hard that is? Well its uber hard.

So here I am. Sitting in this big empty house...well my parents call it The
Dumbledore Manor. I call it a big old house. I don't have anything against old
houses. They're very beautiful and secrets lay in the cracks of walls. But why call
it a manor? Is it suppose to live up to the Malfoy Manor? Trust me it's a lot older
and bigger than the Malfoy Manor. Besides no one likes Malfoy's. Sorry, just
kidding. Well my friends don't hang out with Malfoy's. So to me Malfoy's are
extinct. Anyways. I'm just in my room. To be honest my parents grounded me
the whole summer. It's suck. It's Nichola's and Matt's fault that I'm grounded. I
was the only person to get grounded. Their parents just thought it was funny.
What's so funny about being chased by Nearly Headless Nick and running into
the potions Professor and two seconds later everything goes BOOM!!! I swear
we didn't make the school go BOOM. It was just part of the corridor. Near the
potions classroom. The classroom was all nice and tidy but Nichola, Matt and I
were all covered in dust, smoke, gunk and some red stuff...IT WAN'T BLOOD.
For me it was all funny at the time until the Headmaster Owled my parents.
I tell you my parents are WAY to serious. I mean seriously did they ever have
fun or get in trouble when they were fourteen. Wait...nope...I don't think they
did, they maybe just sat around and studied bunch of Ravenclaw's they are.
It's all about logic. I'm mean I'm a Ravenclaw. I know how to have fun. I'm not
a worry wart like my parents are. Heck my brother is the same way my parents
are. Am I the only one with a personality? I have been told that I act like my
great-great-great cousin Albus Dumbledore. I wish I met him. He would
understand who I am. He must have known how to have fun. I think my
grandmother said he was in Gryffindor. But I might be wrong.

SLAM! I jumped. What the heck was that? I ran out of my bedroom. Turned
to the left, ran down the long dark hallway. I took a right and looked down the
huge staircase that was right in front of me. I couldn't hear anyone. I ran down
the stairs and walked up to the old giant wood door and opened it. I felt the
warm, humid, summer air rush into the cool house. The sun was shining brightly
in the bright blue sky. I looked around to see if anything was there. I looked down
when I spotted a letter that had my name on it. I picked it up. I shut the door and ran
up to my bedroom. I opened my door to my room. I'm only in my room during the
Summer Holiday so my room is just white with some light purples and blues. I have
a white wooden desk in the corner to the right of me with a lamp, folders and some
notebooks on it. I have one big window right in front of me and another to my left. My
twin sized bed is in the corner near my little window. My room is pretty big but it's
nothing to get excited about. I walk over to my desk in the right hand corner and sit
on the light purple wooden chair. I look at the unopened letter for a couple seconds
and then decide to open it.

Dear Abriella,

I hope you get this letter because your father threw out the ten other
letters that I wrote to you about what happened on our last day of school.
Oh and I can't wait to see you on the train. I'm pumped for out fourth year
Ella. I hope that you're reading this and not your father.


I can't believe that. Matt has been trying to send me letters and my father has been
just putting them in the fireplace. How could he do that? That's wrong. That's just
cruel. It's my letter and I have a right to read it. Well I guess it's time for me to
pack up for Hogwarts because the train is leaving tomorrow. I walked over to my bed
and looked under it and took out my big trunk. I started to pile jeans, shirts, converse,
maybe some flip flops for June. I put a pair of my brown Ugg boots and some thick
but cute sweaters along with some t-shirts and tank tops. I was ready for this year to
start. Thinks were going to change and I was ready for change. I didn't bother to
change into my pajamas. I could just put on my outfit in the morning. I laid in my bed
with my lamp on.

I sat straight up in my bed. What the heck was that? BANG!! There it was
again. I hoped out of bed and walked over to my big window near my desk. The sun
was just rising. I looked down and saw that it was my friend Nichola Potter throwing
pebbles against the old glass. I didn't even bother to brush my dark curly hair and I
didn't even bother to change into my clean clothes. I just grabbed my trunk and
snuck out of the house.

chapter index:
chapter 1
chapter 2

maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive

maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise

Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 07-06-2011 at 07:54 AM. Reason: please remember to include a chapter index
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