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Just hang out? Well, that didn't sound too bad. Although, Jamie did wonder why everyone who ever wanted to hang out with him were girls. Was he a girl? NO, he was a MACHO MAN. Perhaps all the other guys were intimidated by him. Yea, that was it. "Okay, we can hang out, fer sure." The boy patted a seat next to him on the sofa. This just felt.. awkward, because they were kind of being forced to hang out.
Owh. "It was worth a shot." He commented lowly. The homework was piling up for young Jamie Keaton. "Maybe you could HELP me, then." That would be the perfect thing for a sidekick to do. He may even tell Professor Lafay how helpful his sidekick was.
On second thoughts, he would never voluntarily talk to Professor Lafay.
"For fun, I like to.........." Errrrrm... he had to over-analyse his hobbies in his mind for a moment, to make sure they were cool enough. "Skateboarding." That was macho. "Hanging out. Playing my guitar." Which he was not allowed to bring to Hogwarts, might he add. "There's not much to do here, though."
And that brought him to his first question. "What's FUN at Hogwarts?" Apart from sneaking around at night. Jamie would love to do that, yep.
The blonde Malfoy grinned at the younger boy. She smirked as he added the 'fer sure'. She smiled and took a seat by him. Perhaps the whole sidekick thing would work out? Emma laughed. "
Well of course I can help you. BUT that doesn't mean I'll do your homework for you," she reminded him with a stern smile.
The Quidditch obsessed Malfoy nodded as she listened to what he liked to do. Huh, Skateboarding? Cool. Emma learnt how to skateboard from Brandon, the guy from California, in her first year. Where was he and how was he doing? She went back to listening to the third year. "
Guitar? Thats cool. Too bad we can't bring instruments to Hogwarts. I can't bring my piano. But perhaps we can make an exception for the guitar." she thought. Maybe she could get his guitar here for him? Break a tiny rule? She'd need her partner in crime to aid her with this.
What was fun at HOGWARTS? EVERYTHING? "
Well.. there's a lot of fun. There's a Giant Treehouse that you can jump off out of it. Quidditch is amazingly fun if you like it. Personally, I love it. You can pull pranks and sneak out." she explained her brown eyes sparkling with enjoyment. "
The room of requirement is a nice place to go. Because it is a room that will adept to your needs. Say if you wanted a quite place to play your guitar, it would transform into that room and it would probably have a guitar or a guitar that is similar to yours in it." What else could they do for fun? Hmmmmm.. Maybe she should ask for some feedback? "
Does that sound pretty cool?"