Originally Posted by
grangerfan8 Four years.... that was when the next World Cup would be held? She supposed it would be enough time to learn a bit about the sport. But would she have time to meet them for the World Cup? Eh. She'd make time for her two best friends. "I will be prepared." Or unbelievably distracted. Whoooooo knew.
She listened as he spoke of Tibi, waiting for what made him different from a few years ago besides the obvious. Yes, he was older, and taller was to be expected, and... oh. Hehe. THAT what was different. Arya couldn't help but giggle and shake her head. "How could you not like 'Tibi'? It's so cute." And really, that was all that mattered right? She sure thought so.
So she was really appreciative of the fact that Treyen didn't interrupt her during her mini pout-fit. She kinda needed to let it out and not worry about the other person being offended or anything. And so she showed him the same respect when he tried to calm some of her worries. Mainly because she was sure he wouldn't appreciate her ranting some more. And as much as he was trying to help, it wasn't really too much help. She didn't realize how much about this he didn't know. How complicated it was. "I'm sure it was good for your grandpa, but it's not for Sabel. He he told me he was going into ITF at the beginning of last term." Before they started dating. She would have just sighed dramatically, but his joke had her cracking a small smile. Still pouting though. How was she supposed to know he hated it?
That was true, she didn't know if he would stay in London forever, just like she didn't know he had applied to the ministry. Pffft. "You don't know Sabel like I do." Foolish boyfriend of her's thought more with his heart than he did with his head. "International Task Force." She kinda assumed that Treyen knew about it up until now, but she really shouldn't have. Especially since she only knew about cause Sabel had spoke of it last year.
Nod. Yes, completely, she'll get some Quidditch knowledge by that time, no? Perhaps he ought to talk to Aaron to start writing her some Quidditch things. Maybe just to see how she'll react to those letters.
Nod. Nod.
Oh, Treyen SO resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Seriously, Arya, that was NO cute.
"I just never liked it, don't know why," he shrugged. Perhaps because he is a BOY, and 'Tibi' just seemed, well, like something a girl would call Tiberius.
"Besides, he's got an awesome name, I don't see point in shortening it," THAT was another important reason. But mainly, he disliked 'Tibi'. Arya could still call him that, though, he wasn't going to forbid her to do so, not that she'd ever listen to him.
Mmmhmmm. Right, it was JUST as good for his grandpa that the man ended up writing books. Clearly, being an Auror doesn't mean you'll be one for the rest of one's life. Treyen still listened, and...'International Task Force'...that rang a bell,
"Wait, wasn't the Headmaster part of that?" like an agent or something, or whatever? There were important parts of the story that he was missing, he didn't even know Sabel's background or anything, and he knew enough about Arya to realize that she hated the fact that the decision was almost completely based on her.
Treyen straightened himself in the armchair, and then looked at her, she had his full attention now, or rather...Arya should give Treyen her full attention.
"Look," he started to say,
"I'll give you two options," it wasn't that simple, he knew, but still,
"One. Training for the ITF without knowing where you'll be or what your mission will be like, and being away from the ones you love, but doing what you think you'll be best at," that was option number one,
"Or, two. Training to become an Auror and knowing that you'll stay in one place for some time, being close to the ones you love, but thinking that your life would've helped many others if you've chosen differently." There could be a third or fourth one, but these two were good enough.
"All in all, number one is career, and number two is family," so to speak. Because friends were also a kind of family.
"Choose one."