Peyton shook her head. She was GLAD her sisters didn't go here or else they would make sure to make her life impossible. They'd probably even throw her into the lake or something.
"No, they go to Beauxbatons," she said making a fake I'm-better-than-you-are face; mocking the face her sisters used on her.
Peyton raised an eyebrow when Jimbo started laughing like if someone was tickling his foot. She knew it! Her sisters had tricked her...
It WAS true?
"Really?!" she said, her eyes growing wide. She looked down at Pebbles and petted his shell at the middle so her finger wouldn't be close to his mouth. She hadn't seen any donkey around, so P didn't want to risk walking around with a turtle attached to her finger.
"So, what if he bites you REAL hard and there's no donkey around?" Would his finger have to be cut off?
Oh man, turtles were dangerous.
Peyton acted like if her hand slipped from Fee's and she fell. The little red head fell ALL the way to the ground...
The girl laughed at the thrill she felt. It was AWESOME! She looked up the treehouse where she had left Fee and William and waved.
"I'm okay!" she laughed. She had pulled that prank on her daddy, but in the pool. His terrified face was FUNNY, but he ended up getting mad at her.
Oops, hehe.