Originally Posted by
sweetpinkpixie Kurumi heard a loud squishing noise and looked down to see that Eino was now leaving a trail of goo behind as they continued to jog. Chocolate frogs...why did it always have to be chocolate frogs?
She had flash backs to last year's Charms lesson and instantly felt a little sick.
"A...jar?" Kurumi asked slowing down a bit thinking that Eino would do the same. Nope, never mind. She scampered a bit to catch up and almost caught her foot on a rug. Losing her balance for a moment, Kurumi caught herself on one of the portaits who did NOT look happy about her touching the canvas.
"Get your filthy hands off the the work of art!" snapped an older looking wizard with a very long and fluffy black mustache. "I don't want children fingerprints all over me...ESPECIALLY sweaty children fingerprints."
"S-S-Sorry," Kurumi squeaked bowing to the man in the painting before turning on her heels and taking off down the corridor after Eino. "What do you need a jar for?" Was he going to collect his sweat and use it in a potion or something?
"Yes." Eino confirmed as they continued running, but was interrupted by the portrait before he could explain himself. "We need it to collect our sweat as proof that we jogged." He was now beginning to pant and had to pause between each word to take a deep breath. "How else will Lord Borr know otherwise?" Of course, this meant, Eino supposed, that a lot of people would cheat. Sweat was really the only evidence they could gather of their jogging, unless they could turn in their sweaty jogging clothes as proof, it was absorbing most of the sweat after all. Or maybe they should jog by Lord Borr's office to let him know that they were completing their assigned tasks. The problem was he probably wasn't at the school at all, so he wouldn't even see them. Maybe he would forget. Blood circulation time! Eino then began to flutter his arms around as they continued jogging.