Originally Posted by
aaetha [b]
"Yeah! Like old family heirlooms, you could see both the past and the future... and maybe the past repeating itself in the future? You know, going back to the whole 'history repeats itself' theory?" Woot! This was going well!
Samira was starting to get excited.
"That's exactly what I was thinking!" She mused about the thought for a moment.
"But how would you actually receive the vision? I mean, something would have to trigger it right? I don't think people just have random visions out of no where when wearing jewelry." An interesting thought, but no.
Glancing over at the notes, Samira shook her head.
"Definitely fake. If the fortune tellers were real, they would be magical, and if they were magical they would be in the Wizarding world, not Muggle streets." So there.