Originally Posted by
HarryPotterQuidditch Jordan looked at the piece of parchment and noticed it had some very clever suggestions or ideas. The only problem was, he hadn't anymore ideas. "Well, that's definitely a good start. Oh, was anyone going to finish number 7 about smooth rocks? Maybe you could predict good things in the future by smooth rocks, possibly? Just an idea."
Penny noticed the boy she had invited come over and join them...
Hi i'm Penny, I see Rose has shown you what we've gotten so far... right now we're running out of ideas and we're not really sure how to finish off number 7... apart from maybe divining images from the reflections cast when the stone enters the water.... but i'm just guessing, What do you think Jordan?" she finished with a smile...
ooc:: It's late here, so i'm off to bed - continue tomorrow :-)