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Blowing out a huff of air she blew her hair from her face and looked at him from the corner of her eye. "Or the annoying Vorpatril traits that make everyone crazy." And yes, she knew that most of it was show. More than most in some cases.
Nodding her head vigorously she sat up straighter and wiped her face with both hands. "She won't mind Salander being with me... will she? I won't be in the UK for very long at all, Ivan and while I am I will have his valet and his elves running all over doing this and that. I wouldn't even think about bringing him, but I think given the circumstances, he might get a better understanding as to why we are still friends... ya know?" she asked very quietly not wanting to make eye contact.
"Oh no, I don't want anything at all. I just wish everyone could be together without any hostility and such... but that's not going to happen. And we are all getting older... and busier it seems. So I think this might be the last little while that we will all be together... these last terms here at Hogwarts. That's awfully sad isn't it? Well. I just hope everyone is safe and happy this holiday. As well as they can be anyway," she said in a rare moment of clarity for her. Selflessness. Not her style. Geez. She needed to stop with the potions altogether.
"No those are reserved only for you," he said with a grin. Because he enjoyed messing with her just like she enjoyed messing with him. Well most days. When he wasn't moody and feeling helpless.
Hearing her question he sighed and shook his head, "No...she still blames me. Said something about ruining a good thing last time I saw her. I dunno. Just better brace him for her overbearing ways because she will be sure to work him over like she does James." And will claim it was for Lexi's benefit. The thought almost amused him and he was tempted to make a point to be there when they got there just to see it. "Just let me know when you're coming so I can make sure she's there and not dragging Fia shopping or whatever." And he could make sure he was there too and maybe Bothari.... HA that'd be fun. It'd be worse than if it had been Lexi's own parents.
"Well James and I will always be around and probably together. I think I might stay here if I can but I'm not sure yet." He glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, "You need to get off the potions. I don't like this you. I'd almost prefer it if you said you wanted as many clothes as I could afford."