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GUH, he was making her pick a favorite?!
No, he obviously wasn't, but she was up for the challenge. Ellie tapped her toes on the bench and furrowed her eyebrows.
"I suppoooose... I would have to say Hamlet. It's dark, and scary. But for some reason it really fascinates me." She said, beaming a little. Ellie had always been such a nerd and a book worm. And now she had a book-worm buddy!
"And although Romeo and Juliet is good, it's just too... Lovey dovey. They're so romantic, it makes me sick." She said with a little laugh. Was that weird..?
Dear Ellie?
Touched? She couldn't help but snort slightly.
"Tragic indeed, dear Theo." Ellie said over dramatically, resting a hand on his shoulder in mock-comfort. She brightened up. And now she had a book-worm buddy AND a chess buddy!
"I look forward to it!" She told him with a smile. Ellie couldn't help but notice a small fear arise in his eyes as he spoke briefly of trying out for the quidditch team.
"I take it you aren't a quidditch fan?" She asked curiously.
"Hamlet is great, too," Theodore nodded, picking at a chink in the stone bench that the two Ravenclaws were perched on. "A bit theatrical for my taste, but it's excellent all the same." Had he found a book buddy? HE HAD! 。◕ ‿ ◕。 Finally, he had found some sort of intelligent refuge at Hogwarts minus his clever professors and the amazingly well-stocked library. To top it off, she felt the same about Romeo & Juliet. This felt like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. "But enough of muggle plays!" He swatted at the air, as if Shakespeare had been a trivial fruit fly that had zoomed in front of his face. "What about Beedle the Bard? Anything catch your fancy there?"
Theo bit his lip, holding back from howling with laughter. Acting like a character out of a Victorian novel was a bit too much for him. "Hm... I guess I'll challenge you when I catch you in the common room," He smirked, his confidence pertaining to his wizard-chess-skills quite obvious. Theodore could take Ellie anytime, any day, anywhere. Psh.
Well, maybe not in a room filled with spiders and snakes after midnight. But I digress. Sighing, he realized he might have let a bit too much slip about quidditch. "My friends goaded me into signing up to help me get over my fear of heights. I told them I wanted to get involved and before I knew it, I was grabbed and tossed in front of the sign-up sheet." He laughed, although it sounded false, and shook his head before lowering it to gaze at his trainers. "They mean well, but quidditch has never been a big part of my life."