What a Wonderful World 47. Twitchy Ears Hex
Regulus paused outside of the fourth year dorm room. He shifted uncomfortably, knowing that, as a second year, he wasn’t really supposed to go inside. After a few seconds, though, Regulus decided he couldn’t stand the twitching in his ears. He opened the door and slipped inside, letting his eyes adjust to the dark, eyes scanning for Severus’ bed.
When he could finally see, Regulus crept forward toward his adopted older brother. He pulled back the curtain and shook Severus’ shoulder lightly. “Sev?”
The figure shifted before turning toward him with a grunt. “Regulus? What are you doing in here?”
Regulus swallowed. “I can’t get it to stop.”
“Get what to stop, may I ask?” Severus sat up, looking irritated.
“My ears!” Regulus exclaimed, feeling a lump in his throat growing. “I was late for curfew, and Sirius jumped out of a cubboard at me.”
Severus peered at his young friend’s ears, recognizing the hex. Luckily, it wasn’t anything all that special. “Finite Incantatum. Go to bed, Black.”
Regulus smiled gratefully and left. Severus watched the retreating back. That a child should fear coming across his own brother in the dark reminded Severus of how much he hated this world.
Last edited by rnbwxsprinkles; 06-21-2011 at 05:17 PM.