Mutants 10. Engorgio
“Sirius, stop. Sirius, it’s gross!” Regulus pouted, watching his brother poke at the wriggling thing. Regulus usually didn’t mind bugs or worms, but this mutant cross between both had too many legs. Worse, it was slightly squished in the middle and instead of running, those legs just kept going and going.
“What, Reggie, don’t like it?” Sirius smirked, and Regulus gave his brother a wary look.
Sirius poked his wand underneath it, picking it up and bringing it closer to Regulus’ face. “Why not? I think it’s cool!”
Regulus let out a noise of displeasure and backed away when the thing was just inches from his nose. “Sirius! Stop it!” He tried desperately to adopt the same demanding tone their parents used to scold. Instead, his voice shook, making Sirius’ smirk deepen into a grin.
Sirius picked up the centipede between two fingers--“Engorgio--” and threw it.
Regulus yelped when it came right at him. Legs were all over his face. The disgusting, bloodied underbelly was all he could see.
“Boys! That is enough! Back inside, now! Sirius, to your room! Your father will speak with you.”
“Yes mum.”
The horrific thing gone, Regulus sniffled, trailing behind his mother.
Last edited by rnbwxsprinkles; 06-21-2011 at 05:17 PM.