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Something had seemed to have flustered Treyen as the Hufflepuff had entered her classroom, but Renée simply sent him a smile. It was probably something little, as she knew by now that he would say something if it was important. At least, she knew that now. It seemed he’d gotten distracted by her new little decoration for now, and she bit back a grin. That was going to be the fun part of her lesson, once everyone realized that wasn’t the whole topic. “Good day to you too, Treyen,” she replied with a nod, as he made his way to a seat. Yes, this lesson was going to be fun. She hoped so, at least.
The Hufflepuff boy nodded at her reply, and kept on making his way between some tables. Or rather...he didn't, because he was pushed by Mia.
So much for having a badge, no? Zero respect, apparently.
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Oh thank Merlin this was a class with a Professor that she knew. Well she didn't know Professor Bishop personally but she had been here last year, so she was a familiar face. And from what she remembered of the woman, she appeared to be nice. Not like that idiot Shaw fellow.
"Hello Professor." Mia called out cheerily as she made her way into the room and almost ran into the Huffie Prefect who seemed to be having problems finding a seat. "Oh for Merlin's sake Trey. There is a seat right there." she said before grabbing him by the arm and pulling him over to the middle of the room where two vacant chairs sat.
"You don't mind sitting next to me, do you?" She gave him a sweet smile. Of course he didn't. She patted the chair. Sit down Treyen.
He didn't fight it, though, he allowed Mia to take him whichever table she had already in mind. But, seriously? The one riiiight in the middle. Ha. That was cool.
Then why was he standing there like a fool?
Treyen chuckled as he eyed Mia,
"No, of course not," he said, before taking a seat next to her. The one she'd instructed, by the way. It seemed he'll have little to do in this lesson, right?
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"Um.. Hey Trey, Hey Mia! Mind If I sit?" asked Ness smiling. She hoped the prefect and the 6th year wouldn't mind.
And then someone else was planning on joining them. Good.
"Yeah, go ahead," he gestured to one of the chairs. They still had room at the table, and he needed to make some choices, like, now.