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As she made her way towards the library, Zara smiled to herself and shook her head. Clearly, the boy had memory problems. Then she chuckled to herself.
-----When she got her bag back-----
Zara decided to come back to the courtyard once she got her bag. After all, she had nowhere to go to for now. Laichi obviously needed some memory enhancements. Again, while on her way going back to the courtyard, she laughed hard. Daichi, eh? Let Zara call you Laichi instead. Lychee? 
When Zara saw that Lychee was still there, she came back to him. "Oh hey Lychee, you're still here." She said as she leaned towards one of the walls, then sat on the cold ground like she was so carefree. I mean, really who'd sit on the floor like that? She looked back up at Lychee. "So how's it going with that other boy you were with, Toby right?" Daichi frowned when Zara called him Lychee. What's up with people calling him names?! First that Lola girl..calling him Kathy or Rossie and now SHE was calling him Lychee! ..
"Uhm .. i'm Daichi, remember" wow talk about a short memory. Or was she making fun of him because he had called her Kara? Ah yes that must be it!
Still, at the mention of Lychee his own stomach started to growl like Zara's had done earlier. Daichi pressed Mr.Duckles closer to him when Zara decided to sit next to him. He smiled at her and pointed at Toby.
"Toby? i think his name is Loby..or Coby..Anyways he like Quidditch too so he's cool" weird much.
"Anyways, did you get the book?' Quote:
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''Puddlemere United?''he asked and he was a bit surprised. ''You like Puddlemere United?''Well, it wasn't Toby's favourite team, but they were good. He'd like to be in a 'real' Quidditch team too, when he was older. But now he just whised he'd come in the Slytherin Quidditch team. "Don't you think, it would just be great if we both would come in the team....from Sytherin?" he spoke very quick, because the thing was so exciting! "You as a Chaser, and I could be the Keeper. But to be honest, I don't expect we'd come in the team. We're young and I'm sure they're looking for people with more experience than we have."He signed, when he said that. It would be a dream which would never come true.
Daichi looked down at his feet.
"W-well, yes i think Puddlemere United are good..." he wanted to add 'so what!' But decided not too since Toby hadn't sound THAT strange.. more.. surprised. The first year then looked up at Toby and he smiled broadly, having the same twinkle in his eyes as the other boy. "
YES! It would be awesome to be in the team together. And don't let your hopes get down merely because we are only first years!" He said, trying to cheer Toby up.
"My big brother always said that it doesn't matter if your old or young, as long as you set your mind on something you can achieve ANYTHING!" He grinned proudly at his brother's words.
"So don't you stand there sighing , if we truly want to make the team we CAN do it!" He made a fist pump in to the air. Oh man now he was hyper ...and hungry...