Originally Posted by Connie Hey Jazz. I promise I've been keeping up, just haven't been able to comment on a timely manner. I'm sorry about that. I love that Snape told her to stick with Sirius. And I agree with what else he told her.  And I like that Sirius told Harry to keep an eye on Izabella. It would give Harry something to take his worries off of everything else and make Occlumency Lessons easier on him. I'm sorry to all the people who love Draco, but it is my opinion that her statement is debatable.
Great writing Jazz. Your story is captivating to say the least. I'll be watching for your next.  Don't worry about it. I understand that you may not be able to comment all the time, I am just glad that you are enjoying it!
I think he is a good person, or could be, but he's been affected by the way he has been brought up. He knows what is right, even if he doesn't always do it.
Thank you, I have already written the next two chapters so I will have them up as soon as possible
__________________ SlytherinGirl. FanFic Lover |