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Team ronmione CeCe picked up a book, something similar looking to Mexico..She was beginning to get homesick..The friends she made Kurumi and Selina, had been gone for a very long time and CeCe was lonely. She had no one to be crazy around or to tease about anything.
Flipping through the pages she didn't understand any word of it because of the english language, but the popping images scared her, at first. Then the more she saw the more relaxing it became for her, a sort of interest to spark her plug.
Christopher wandered through the library, looking for a good book to read. He'd never read any books written by wizards, so he thought he might start there. He wandered through the shelves, picked out a couple of books, and went to sit back down in the reading lounge.
When he sat down, he noticed a new girl in his year. She was a Gryffindor, and he'd seen her around, but he'd never spoken to her before. Well hey, he might as well make some new friends. He barely had any anyway. He picked up his bag and walked over to her, a friendly smile on his face. This was sure to go awkward, he lacked so many social skills. But he needed to be more outgoing. He sat down across from her.
"Hi, I'm Christopher. You're new, right?" He held out his hand to shake hers.