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Lezleighd Then with a flick of her wand, everything in the room turned into a deep purple shade. From the table cloths on all of the tables to the cakes to the cups to eatery to the fireworks to the confetti, all were a dark shade of Hogwarts Purple. Instantly the disappearing confetti started falling again and the fireworks all popped in purple.
“I want each of you to see our History of Hogwarts not so much as the history of the houses but as a history of all of us. So, here’s what I want you to do....Grab your plate and your fork and knife and your cup and move to another table. You can not sit by anyone from your own house. You have one minute to find a new spot.” she paused for a minute to let this sink into their brains. ”Okay ready get set GO!” she said loudly waiting for the students to scramble through the confetti and fireworks. "Once everyone is seated, we will start cutting up the different cakes." she said as she felt her stomach rumble.
OOC: I’m going to give you a few minutes to role-play your characters moving around. Feel free to talk to each other.
This was easy for Kimalia, as she memorized all the tables that were a certain color. She picked up her half-full cup of koolaid and the utensils and her plate and moved to the table that use to be sat for Gryffindor. She got herself comfortable in the right seat somewhat sadden to be away from her housemates.