SPOILER!!: Prof.
Originally Posted by
Lezleighd The professor was just so excited about the great answers on the board. She glanced at the board with a smile and then back at the students. With a flick of her wand, the cakes from the different tables hovered over to the middle of each cluster of tables. “It’s almost that time to eat the cakes, I have one more question and then we’ll dig in.” she said as the cakes landed simultaneously.
“There are a few things that I want to add to the lists really quick.” she said glancing back at the board and with a flick of her wand a few more details were written across the different parts. ”There that will do..”
She turned back towards the class. “As you can see the founders were amazing wizards and witches with great talents and strengths. As you know, they created their houses in their image.” She flicked her wand and the boards flipped over again. They were still divided into the house colors but they had been wiped clean of the notes. “Now I want you to share ONE attribute that the founders looked for in their houses when they were sorting....or ONE attribute that you feel your house is based on.” she glanced out and realized that might not make sense, so she decided to give an example. “For example, as Ms. Deluise mentioned earlier, Godric Gryffindor sleected students according to bravery. Now remember we don’t want this to turn into a battle between houses, so just stick with facts not your opinion on whether the founders were right or wrong in their decisions. Remember that was over 1100 years ago and times were different.” she said hoping to fend off the comments of ‘I believe that so and so believing that only pigs should be chosen was correct.’ Before she let them start answering she said once again, “ Make sure you say your house so the board knows which column to place your answer under.”
As they answered, she flicked her wand and started placing a plate and a fork and a knife in front of each student. This time around she was mixing up the colors intentionally.
OOC: Please remember to only give one answer so that others may have a chance. Also remember to say your house (this is so the charmed board knows where to post your answer.) And please don't edit your posts! I will be back in a few but remember eventhough I'm not here Gemma is here. No fighting or chatting. Thanks!
Alex looked at the older boy and quickly touched his hair. So, he had good hair then? Since he was in Slytherin? He grinned happily and raised his hand.
"Alex Reed, Slytherin still." he grinned before adding.
"Slytherin house valued and still values cunning people." he nodded. Just to mention one thing.
Now, could people just say their answers so he could start with the cake? Like... Right now?