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Old 11-05-2004, 02:58 AM   #161 (permalink)
secret_garden32000's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Depew, Ny
Posts: 172

*Since Kay kinda left teh Bubotuner Pus Vials in array of something, Chris decides to finish the job...After some time, Chris gets a nifty Idea...*

"Wingardium Leviosa..." Chris says.

*The vials carefully levitate up into the air, and then are sorted by short movements of his wand. When they are correctly categorized, Chris slowly levitates them into their respective boxes.*

That was so much faster than by hand ^__^

*Goes to work of the Rainbow Roses. Starts to water them, and then puts down some compost. Looks at a flower and notices that it goes through all of teh colors in the world in less than 2 minutes...*

Professor, how difficult are these to grow and to care for? My mom is says there really expensive...But she could've been talking about teh Barking Dogwoods....hmm..


Last edited by secret_garden32000; 11-05-2004 at 03:02 AM.
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