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"Ow..." Eino complained silently as Kurumi inspected both of his arms. "It was my left arm," which she had already checked, "but it's all better now." He actually hadn't gone to a hospital but been treated by his grandparents instead, which is the reason why it took months for him to be healed. Not that he could remember, he had been unconscious for most of the time. After that his parents forbade him to go back to Finland unless it was with their company, so now Eino would have to spend all of his time in England. Sigh. "I am glad to be back too and with my arm. I suppose it would be very hard to live without it." He couldn't wait to go back to classes, and see his friends. He had really missed Hogwarts. "Oh, I can't wait to see Walnut! And everyone else!" He wasn't looking forward to classes though, which was very un-Ravenclaw of him, but he had been idle for so long that he wanted to exercise and not be chained to a chair reading. "Hmmm...." Eino looked at the ship then back at Kurumi. "Yes. What is it for?" Maybe Kurumi knew, since he had missed school he probably had missed an announcement about the ship.
Flicking her gaze at Eino's left arm once more half expecting there to be some sort of gaping hole or splinched like scarring there, but no matter how much she looked, there was nothing. Which was a good thing. Eino needed to be in one piece...unlike Faustus who she had found as a pile of broken pottery, dirt, and smooshed plant a week after Eino had been taken out of school.
Hopefully Eino had forgotten about that incident...
I don't know," Kurumi said shaking her head. "
Headmaster Tate didn't mention much about it during his speech besides it being inspected and deemed perfectly safe for us to explore." Kurumi leaned in a bit and lowered her voice. "
Personally, I find it all a bit strange considering the Ministry has appointed three professors to the school. One has even taken over Defense Against the Dark Arts...and now this boat..."