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PhoenixRising Smiling at the Hufflepuff first year, Fina shook her head. "Not particularly. The number system that we'll be using for pretty much most of your Arithmancy careers, unless otherwise stated or you delve further into Numerological studies would be the Pythagorean Number System. This is found in Chapter Two of your textbooks," Hadley informed them, waiting for those who wished to do so to turn to that appropriate page. "Using the chart listed, you'll assign each letter in the word the number. Add up all the numbers in the word together, but in most cases where we reduce to a single digit, with Paragrams, you're NOT going to reduce."
Hmm, perhaps they ought to practice with simple words for a bit. "Okay, so take a few moments to practice this by taking five words synonymous with who you are and translating them to a number equivalent, as I did with my last name, Hadley." Blahhh. Blah, blah, blah.
Sierra really hated Arithmancy. It was boring and didn't amount to much in her opinion. She'd only signed up for it to pretty keep on top of her game. She
would beat out Kurumi Hollingberry this year!
At least they didn't have to reduce, meaning all she pretty much had to do was some quick addition, and she'd be over and done with it. Maybe if she picked really short words, it wouldn't take her forever either!
Hmm, okay. So how would she sum herself up in five different words? Well, the first was easy--Greingoth. It was her family's name, her
father's name. It was a little longer of a word than she'd aimed for, but oh well. Slytherin just had to be used, too! There was no doubt about that one. She tapped her quill against the desktop as she thought of three more to use. Pretty soon, she'd made her full list
and done all the calculations:
{G R E I N G O T H} 7+9+5+9+5+7+6+2+8 = 58
{S L Y T H E R I N} 1+3+7+2+8+5+9+9+5 = 49
{Q U I D D I T C H} 8+3+9+4+4+9+2+3+8 = 50
{T W E L V E} 2+5+5+3+4+5 = 24
{T W I N} 2+5+9+5 = 21