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Old 05-12-2011, 04:30 PM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is offline
Default Arithmancy Lesson One: Paragrams {Pythagorean-style}

As the Fall weather in Britain was still comfortable outside, Professor Hadley had cracked the windows open a bit to allow a lovely September breeze into the classroom before double checking the room setup: Several neat rows, with desks pushed together in pairs.

Once the room was set up in a way she was somewhat satisfied, Fina resumed her customary seat at the front of the room, using her wand to flick the door open. And then another wand flick on the front board:
Please take your seats and take out your textbooks, quill and parchment.
We will begin shortly.
All she needed now was students.

ooc: Lesson will officially begin in a couple hours. Remember that even if I'm not here, Hadley still is, so don't do anything you wouldn't want her to see.
Lesson has begun. Any posts from now on stating about arrival WILL be punished accordingly, so please simply pretend as though you've been there all along (for your own benefit and your house)


Intro to Paragram topic
Practice makes perfect: Pixie's AWESOME example of what you're supposed to do ;D
Let's try phrases, shall we?
Other stuffage