Don't worry, I like Mooney too, even though I mock him constantly...

Chapter 1
Part 2
Professor McGonagle stepped up to the podium. “The list of banned objects is as usual, no Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes Products! No exceptions!”
I looked at Helena. She was holding a Punching Telescope in her hand. She looked like she was about to fling it at the Snape girl, who was a table away from where we were sitting. Her teeth were barred.
I was about to pull out a Fanged Frisbee from my satchel, which I always carried with me, and toss it at old Filth, or whatever the caretaker’s name is, and his ugly looking cat. Mom says I get my “passionate hating of the cats” from my dad, who we never talk about much.
I couldn’t contain my words any more. I just had to speak.
“Why can’t we? I mean come on! Just one item, ONE ITEM? Please? A little fun never hurt anyone, right?” Asking for just one prank item is very rare for me, mostly because I’m an “eternal prankster like my dad.”
The headmistress didn’t answer. The Snape girl did.
“Oh okay, so ‘a little fun never hurt anyone’. Yeah it did! Your dad and Potter’s dad’s idea of fun cost mine the love of his life. Just because of ‘a little fun’.”
A look of pure loathing came over Helena’s face. She stood up like she was going to punch the lights out of the Snape girl. I was absolutely shocked, though. My dad cost Snape’s dad his love life? The mere thought horrified me. Maybe that’s why Mum doesn’t like to talk about him. Maybe he was bad!
“Ms. Snape and Ms. Black! The Great Hall is not the place for spats and rows. Let this be a lesson to each and every one of you. Ms. Black, please see me in my office after the meal. Now is not the time for that. It is, however, the right time to have dinner. You may eat!”
Food appeared right in front of us at our tables.
“Hey, I see that Snape has chicken right in front of her. It would be so much quicker if I got it from over there. If I don’t, I’ll have to walk all the way down to the other end of the table!” Helena smiled and held up a wrapped Punching Telescope under the table.
“Yeah,” I smiled too. “That dark meat looks awfully good!” I held up a wrapped Fanged Frisbee under the table as well.
We walked over to Snape’s table. And brought our wrapped gifts with us. Boy, Helena sure was good at planning things out! She had the perfect plan for getting back at Snape. But something still bothered me. Why did Helena loathe Snape? She didn’t really have a valid reason. Sure Snape mentioned something about Helena’s dad in her little speech of hers but did that really give her a valid reason? But even before the Snape girl made her little speech, when she was called for sorting, a look of loathing passed over Helena’s face. Something seems fishy here but as my mom always says, “If you don’t know the answer, wait until your taught it and don’t go looking for it.” I guess that means I’ll have to wait. But I like to know the truth and the whole truth. I don’t like to be left in the dark. I’m very curious, you know.
We dropped off our packages, which said “From Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes” on them, and then grabbed the chicken that we had originally come for.
We soon finished our food and dessert. Then, McGonagle walked up to the owl podium and announced something.
~<3 Mischief~