HECK YES YOU CAN! Oakey was extremely pleased to let Nessie and Daisy into TEAM ODIN'S CUPCAKE BEATERS (For a team of Lost students it was looking rather yellow with the exception of Hateya). He paused for a moment and then wrote down "Verto~To Exchange" on the desk as well. That seemed important for a class in transforming objects Hey Nessie, Daisy could you and the others maybe work on wand movements? I'll try and work out a spell name for a purple dog.
'On on econdition,' Daisy said, 'you tell me what in Merlin's name we are doing?' Daisy had been listening to the lesson, but she was a sane person, and interpreting some sense out of Shaw's words had been practically impossible. 'I'm not entiiiirely sure what the lessons about....' she said.