Ohh nooo the girl had just squirted a large amount of ketchup on her lap."Nice to meet you Daisy",Fee smiled at her,"i am Feenella."Cute little firsties they were.
Taking out her wand the blonde aimed it at the ketchup on the girls lap and said"Expolitio".Hah,the girl was really satisfied with how this had turned out.All the ketchup was gone,how nice."There you go",the third year winked,"you really like ketchup huh?"it was cool how everyone kinda had their own special thing.Hehe.
'Thanks,' Daisy smiled at Feenalla, amazed that the ketchup had just vanished, 'I really do like ketchup,' she laughed, spearing her fork in a slice of carrot. 'I'm kinda sad, but at most meals I have a bottle of ketchup in my bag,' she blushed and giggled. 'What year are you in?' she asked Feenalla. The only older student Daisy had met was the head boy, and only briefly.