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Old 05-10-2011, 03:42 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mandana View Post
"The only thing I find terrifying is sharks." The fact that he admitted that he was actually scared of something was huge, Matt never told anyone that since most people he knew were surfers like him and they had all shared the same unspoken fear, it came with the territory of being in the water. As he continued writing, he started explaining the whole chainsaw situation to his cousin; she would probably think he was crazy but really at this point he just didn't care what she thought of him since in her mind, he was never actually good enough to be considered a Slytherin.

"Well thanks for the warning, hopefully I don't become super bored; usually I don't mind Transfiguration but if the fact that the professor turned his desk into a chainsaw is any indication; then I better have some kinda distraction that makes the professor think I'm still paying attention." Sneaky huh, a little confusing nonetheless.
Her eyebrow went up though as he confided he terrified of sharks. "That'd make it difficult as you're a surfer, I'm sure." Wow, such a big fear, and still loves to surf. Not many Slytherin's would admit they were scared of something either, so TJ definitely had to hand it to Matt.

Laughing lightly at Matt's words, she shook her head, "Yeah, normally I just sit there bored, 'cause I usually practice the spells and stuff prior to class, so I have an idea of what I'm getting myself into. And so far it's not been that difficult to master most of those spells." She really wished they'd be more difficult, or something to really test her skills.