Originally Posted by
Syd (:
"Well, in that case, you deserve a happy birthday." But Dal wasn't in the mood to just say it to her. Nope, he wanted to sing. So he did just that.
"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy BIRTHDAY dear Elliiiiiie... Haaappy Biiiirthday tooo youuuu!" Tada! The not as amazing as he thinks stylings of Dallin McKinley. Even if it wasn't her exact birthday today... it still had the idea goin' for it.
"So you're fifteen, right? 'Cause you're just about a year younger than me." If he remembered right. He was glad she didn't want balloons, too. Because he'd feel really bad that he didn't have any for her.
Ellie was super glad no one else was in the kitchen at the moment. Her face most likely turned red and she lifted her hands to cover it. Don't get her wrong, though, she liked it.
"You're such a dork," she pointed out, between giggles, once he finished. And she stuck her tongue out at him for good measure.
"Thank you."
Mhm, mhm, mhm. The FIFTEEN year old nodded her head.
"Right." GRIN.