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How peculiarrrr! Judging by her excessive laughter, the prospect of finding French people HAWT was a big no-no to her. And then she confirmed it. "I get what you mean... they always stick their noses up, too. And some even have those ridiculous moustaches, you know?" A big curly one, sported by people commonly known as Pierre. Interesting. Jamie wanted to meet a French person now.
"Could do, could do." Jamie REALLY wasn't a sporty type. Any type of physical activity made his stomach hurt. "Or they could just make us play volleyball, or summin..." Easy peasy, that was.
A Panda Bear?!?!? Wasn't that the Hufflepuff logo?
o_____O Not to disrespect Hufflepuff, but Jamie didn't want to adopt a mascot that had already been used. That was lame.
Feeling no desire to argue, Jamie nodded, "suuuuuuuure!" OH WAIT. The Hufflepuff mascot was a BADGER! *facepalm* He suddenly felt more enthusastic. "Yess! A PANDA BEAR. We could go to a costume store and force a first year to be our mascot." Because they were no firsties, they were superior. Jamie looked around the common room for their victim. Mwahahah.
And then him and Macy could walk the corridors, wearing crowns, with their mascot and their followers parading behind them. Nodnod.
Awesome-ER! JK. Jamie actually sensed a bit of sarcasm in Macy's response. Was that even possible? "I knoow, you're so lucky. I am, too. But my head still hurts a bit. So I'm not AS lucky, I guess." It only hurt 'cause he was thinking about it too much. He was actually distracted with their cool conversation up until this point.
Macy flung her head back dramatically, just narrowly missing the wall.
"Oh mah gawsh I knooooow! I don't understand why they think they look so good, considering both of which make you look awful." Yes, spirally mustaches and thrusting your nose towards the ceiling were both big no-no's. And they made you look extremely unattractive.
She nodded.
"Volleyball is good too." Of course, then there was also dodge ball, which, while incredibly fun was also incredibly painful. Hmm. Perhaps that was another game they ought to have laws against?
Momentarilly, Jamie seemed thoroughly confused as well as being unenthusiastic. O_____O which was crazy, because how could you NOT be enthusiastic about PANDAS?! But just as she was wondering this he came around. Whew, good!
:O at this point, Macy decided not to mention the fact that she actually
owned a panda suit that would probably fit most eleven year olds. However, the prospect of ANOTHER loyal minion intrigued her.
"ABSOLUTELY." Yesssss. Firstie followers!
Hmm. Now where were they going to find said first year? ... !! THEY SHOULD PUT A POSTER ON THE HOUSE NOTICE BOARD. At the thought of this fantastic idea the fourteen year old nearly jumped out of her seat. She'd seen the notice board walking in, and obviously it was a place for students to post important messages. This was a more than worthy cause.
"We should put a sign on the house notice board advertising a need for our mascot. We could hold auditions and everything!" Just thinking about it made her excited!!
Hmm. Hurting heads were no good :c
"We could go find you a bag of ice if you want," The kitchens were more than likely to have ice, though Macy had no idea how to get into the kitchens. And besides, she was MOAR excited about finding a firstie willing to dress up in a panda bear costume.