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Old 05-08-2011, 06:31 PM   #90 (permalink)
Formerly: DracikinsLuver4321
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Default *fail post* x/
JALIA♥|| Pat&Vanessa♥ ||DAN CER|| [The future Mrs. Efron] || Miss OCD chick

Originally Posted by Wood'sLittleFlower View Post
Frowning slightly, the boy continued to think of possible ways to make his swing move. What if he got off and pushed it, then got back on? No, he was too lazy to get off and then back on again. The boy's eyes looked down upon his school shoes. Merlin. He hadn't noticed the holes in them. "Stupid dog," he muttered to himself.

There had to be a way to move the swing without help. He continued to frown as he looked to his left, noticing a girl. WOAH. How come he hadn't noticed her before? And now she was climbing the swing just as he had? He must've been blind. Or something. She was pretty too. And then.. she was.. talking to him. "Fun? Not exactly. It would be more fun if it would y'know, move." The boy continued to frown.

His blue eyes wandered to hers for a moment, wondering just what else he could do before going back to his shoes and the bottom of the swing. For now, the boy gripped the rope tighter, and began twisting the body from side to side trying, unsuccessfully, to get it swing. He glanced back up at her before speaking again. "Do you know how to get it to swing? Without getting off of course," the seventh year inquired.
At least the boy had noticed her... how could you not actually? She was standing on top of a swing. She nodded in agreement. "You have a point there," came her reply. Peyton once more began to hum that ridiculous song as she watched his failed attempt at trying to get this thing to rock back and forth. A laugh escaped her mouth as she watched him.

Ohhh and then he asked her if she knew how it get it swing.


Well now.... she wasn't exactly and expert at coming up with these ideas. Usually when you got yourself swinging, you had to rock your legs back and forth. So to get yourself swinging while standing up you needed to... rock yourself back and forth? Mmm... yup... that was her theory.

"How about if I held the rope of your swing, and you did the same. Then we could try rocking ourselves back and forth,"
she offered, taking hold of the rope of his swing. Would it work? Probably not... But they should try.
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