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Daisy smiled, she hadn't seen Ember for a while.
'Im good thanks,' she grinned, now more awake 'I've just done some Quidditch practice. Have you met any other Ravenclaws in our year yet?' she asked, hoping Ember, who like her, didn't know many people in her house from the train, had made some new friends, who she could spend time in the common room with, as Daisy would feel guilty if Ember hadn't , because she had met lots of nice people.
"hmmm now you mention it, iv met one person, i dont talk to her lots, but i do sometimes, most of my friends are in Gryffindor, and then there is you in Hufflepuff. Im sure i will make some Ravenclaw friends." Ember thought, it was wierd how she was finding it wuite hard to talk to those in her own house, she new she was a ravenclaw, she had the knowledge that went along with it, but she blended in with the Gryffindors, and made friends with them much easier. She spent more time at there table then her own.