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Nika was having trouble. Why is it so complicated to send a letter. "Really!?! Thanks!" She almost gave the random boy a hug, but then decided not to because that would just be weird. "It would be a lot easier if wizards had email." She said as she blew a strand of hair away from her eyes. Owls!? Really, owls!?! "How do I erm give it to him?" She wasn't completely sure if she had to shove the letter into the owl's beak or if she had to attach it to his feet. Yep, email would have been a lot better.
"E-what?" Mordred asked almost in a whisper.
"Just roll up your note and hold it in front of its feet. The owl will automatically hold out its foot, and just attach your letter to it." he explained.
"Go on." Mordred told the witch as he held out his arm with the owl on it.