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"Duely noted." he said nodding and pointed at her with a nod. He would never have dreamed that his friend had EVER liked little kids so this notion she just set down of hating them was no surpise to Riley, besides he wasn't that fond of them either really. "Yeah well, you haven't seen me snuck up on!" he said retorting to her semi-threat. "I bet I could take you." his big-headedness was shining again, but that challenge was for another time, more important business was at hand.
"Evelyn, I met you here because you know I will be leaving Hogwarts after this term right?" he paused. He was sure she was sad, he was. "And I need the help of a crafty person and someone who wouldn't go snitching. I need to leave my mark on this school...literally." he whispered. Nothing major he wasn't going to go blasting out a wall or anything, but he was open to ideas.
"We should see if that's true." she replied as her eyes narrowed, ready for any type of competition. Of course, probably not now. She was too curious to know the actually reason of WHYYY she was here in the first place. Unless, that actually was the reason.
Aaand it wasn't.
"Thank Merlin!" she sighed in relief, sliding forward off the column and stood in front of Riley.
"For the very first time, the use of my incredible intelligence, marvelous creativity, and amazing skills are being used for the greater good. This..." Oh goodness, she was going to tear up! Sniffling, she placed a hand on her chest, as if to try and stop herself from crying.
"I never thought this day would come."
Well... now that
that was out of the way...
"Seriously though." Returning back to 'serious and business' mode, Evelyn cut from the fake crying and stared at Riley in almost boredom.
"What are you thinking about? Creating a mural on the side of the castle? Burning a picture of your face on the school grounds large enough to see from on a broom? Crafting a statue of yourself for all to see?"