Originally Posted by
Seren nodded in understanding,"Yes so I've heard, though from my understanding Professor Vindictus conducted his lessons quite well." It seemed sensible enough. She gestured for the Gryffindor to take a seat at her table also, before she stood and turned her attention to one of the small cabinets by the window.
"And what was your name?" she asked. Fingers crossed she would remember all these names.
Turning back to her desk she set down a pot of steaming warm peppermint tea, with a quick flourish of her wand cups and saucers appeared on the desk before them.
"Peppermint tea?" she offered the two boys as she returned to her seat.
Riley kind of made a small discreet face and then just nodded at her Vindictus comment. It wasn't that he disliked the Flying Instructor he just found that he was slightly itimidated by the guy and giving him free reign of man eating plants like the ones over in the corner didn't make him comfortable. So needless to say he had studied other subjects in his Herbology-onced filled class period.
"Oh and my name is Riley, Professor, Riley Sinclair seventh year Gryffindor."
And she had refreshments for them? That was nice. He took a seat and looked at the tea before them.
"Oh yes please." he said with a small smile. She didn't seem half bad so far.