Originally Posted by
weasleytwinsROCK 'You're looking forward to quidditch?' grinned Daisy, she loved quidditch 'Which position do you want to play? Which team do you support? What sort of broom do you have?'
Daisy always had so many questions when people told her they liked quidditch, and it was nice to find a girl who liked sport rather than, or as well as make-up and magazines, which just bored her to death.
'Erm.. Yeah deffinately! Well I'm trying out for seeker and chaser but I've never really played quidditch properly with all the rules and everything, so yeah and as for a broom i don't exactly have one yet.I support the Chudley Cannons! How about you? asked Nessie glad to be talking about something facinating. "Erm.. I kinda need to pack should we maybe go to the girls dormitory we can carry on talking on the way there" said Nessie realising how late it was getting.