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Hateya was pretty much as open-mouth-impressed by the room as the rest of the first years, and didn't really bother trying to hide it. This was where she was going to get to stay all year? Okay, now she could see why people got attached to their houses.
From the corner of her eye, she saw a girl about her age marching over (and was impressed about the marching, as it had been a long day and they'd just come up seven flights of stairs), and waved at her, "I'm Hateya Stern. Have you seen this room?"
Obviously she'd seen the room, but no harm in asking anyway!
"Yeah! Its amazing! Theres so much in here!" she liked this girl, she was really nice, and Rachel wasnt at all surprised that Hateya was also impressed by it, "So Hateya, where do you come from then?" maybe she lived close to where Rachel lived, "Are you muggle born? I am." she told her.