Everyone and anyone. Firsties and such. YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris walked into the common room, feeling exhausted. Why had today felt like it had dragged on for a week? The Head Girl had lead the huge line of Little Snakes to their common room, confident that Evan will have hung around to round up any of the stragglers. She didn't really want to lose any of her Slytherins. That would be bad. Very, very bad.
After pointing the Firsties in the right directions, showing them to the girls and boys dorms, the Head Girl walked over to one of the free couches. Sitting down, she gazed into the fire for a while; probably looking deep in thought to anyone who didn't know her. It was only just beginning to sink in, that she was actually Head Girl, and that this was the last year she'd ever be in this wonderful, old, magnificent castle. That really was a sad thought. Especially when you add in all the people she'd be leaving behind, and most probably never seeing again. Just like the friends that had already left Hogwarts. Iris didn't know if she was ever going to see Wesley again. At least they'd promised to owl each other every week. That made it easier to hold onto the now-transatlantic friendship.
Seven years, eh? Where did all that time go?