Sorry guys for the lateness. The last few weeks have been crazy.
Kat: Sorry for taking particularly long with yours. It's finished...but I'm not completely happy with it yet.

I'll post it tomorrow, I promise. <3
Jenn: Same with yours really. They're both technically finished but I still need a few moments to stare at them and figure out how to make them look the way I want them to.
Now, without further ado...
PICK UP! Rosiana Price:
I only now realized you wanted the siggie to be 400 px in's 450px now. If you want me to change it let me know.
Hope you like them and if not please do not hesitate to ask for changes.
[#] Comment when you pick up.
[#] Ask ME for any changes, don't alter yourself.
[#] Credit me Lisa (Lislchen) or the shop.
[#] Don't hotlink, upload onto your own account.