"Huge" Oakey replied. He was about to her that his favorite team was the Chudley Cannons and that his foster father was the seeker of the team, but remember the news he heard earlier today. Harvey had been terribly beaten by rogue bludgers released onto the field, and was left in a state that may make impossible for him to play anymore."I like the Fitchburg Finches." He lied to her with a smile on his face, but mostly he lied to himself."I moved to England from America a few years back but I can stop rooting for my team back home." He didn't want to think about his father condition at the moment.
'Fitchburg Finches, they're quite a good team, and i've always wanted to go to America,' Daisy replied, 'i support the Holyhead Harpies. I'm from Wales,' she added 'What's it like in America?'
Daisy hadn't heard much about witches and wizards in America, and wandered how they all went to magic school, as America was so big. 'Just out of intrest - are either of your parents muggles?' she said, just curious.