Finally making her way to the Hufflepuff table with two boxes in her hands. One contained cookies for all the Badgers to enjoy and the other...well...those were for a very specific person.
Weaving her way around the table, peeking in here and there looking for Treyen, Kurumi found a open spot where she set down the white box of
Hufflepuff cookies and a little note saying they were from her. She was sure it wouldn't make much sense to the first years, but she was sure that the older Hufflepuff students would explain them. At least, she hoped that the Badgers weren't turning into Snakes.
It was then that she noticed Treyen flashing that blinding smile of his and she reached into her pocket to pull out
something very important and placed them on her face. That ought to protect her from melting into a pile of Kurumi goo.
H-H-Hello, Treyen," she chirped coming up behind him and thrusting
a box towards him. "
Since you don't like cookies all that much..." Her cheeks flushed as she waited for him to open the box.