SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant Aethonan
Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole Gryffindor Third Year | On a night such as this ... (we're nearing the end now ...) Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert But now that you're gone I can see
That love is a garden if you let it go
It fades away before you know
And love is a garden it needs help to grow  ~Jewel, Love is a garden Hermione’s spirit quest ... Hermione had never thought that she would ever find herself riding on the back of a buffalo through long flat lands filled with head tall grass but then again being Harry Potter’s friend had put her in ever more awkward places and situations. She giggled at the whispered joke that Silver Wind had told her.
When she stopped laughing she asked, “Do you mind if we stop? I’m so tired of all this traveling.”
“There’s a forest up ahead,” the buffalo told them. “That, I am afraid is as far as I can take you both.”
“Thank you so much dear mister bison,” Hermione replied hugging the creature.
The bison blushed. It wasn't often girls cuddled him.
Once there, standing at the edge of the plains where the forest ended or began they dismounted their large hairy steed and walked a little ways into the forest. Hermione sensed something, calling her, but she turned to say goodbye and found that the bison was gone. Silver Wind nodded towards the forest.
"This is your quest, tenderfoot. You lead the way."
Then as if the trees were speaking in the movement of the wind through their branches and the leaves, Hermione knew or at least sensed where she needed to be. She could not tell what they were saying. Her guide walked past her, and signaled her to follow. She pushed past him and lead the way. They walked a ways through the underbrush finding no paths, or walking perhaps where they were not because something pulled at Hermione's heart. It seemed as if the forest were telling her where to go.
They heard the rippling of water and found a little river there. Hermione bent down to take a drink, she stopped and turned to her guide, after all what did she know about being out in the wild and Silver Wind nodded that it was all right to drink from. Still, what were the trees trying to tell her?
The frizzy haired girl bent down to drink and got a face full of water splashed on her face. Hermione spluttered and fell back onto the sand. She could hear the sound of Silver Wind’s laughter but along with it was another and she wondered who else was there.
“Hiya toots,” came a sharp little voice and she looked to see an otter swimming on his back holding a shell in one hand and winking at her. “I heard you’re looking for company …” he said suggestively.
Hermione splashed the little otter back. "I'm looking for my spirit animal you pesky little fiend." She took a handful of water and drank.
"I totally peed in the water, you know," the little otter remarked. Hermione spluttered and Silver Wind and the otter laughed. Ron Weasley walked the streets of London alone late at night. Tall for his age, delightfully charming in his naive adolescent swagger, and with eyes so sad they could melt pure gold with a look he had gotten into a muggle pub or two and come out better of spirits than he'd gone in on thanks to a few friendly women but now he found himself walking down a street alone. Wondering where the devil the bloody hospital was and why was he going there anyways. Lately it seemed he spent a lot of time at St. Mungo's even so far as visiting his old Professor Lockhart and Neville's parents. Anything so as not to spend another moment in that room with her. And the terrible thought that she might never awaken again.
Still he could never go so far away that he couldn't be near her if she did wake up. How he missed her. But Harry needed him too.
He didn't know what to do. And his heart ached for it.  AN: I know it doesn't seem like this will ever end ... and likely it never will, so leave now friends and save your poor souls LOL, but no. Seriously, I'm wrapping this up soon, it's just ... so many ... characters. *cries*
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