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Iridesca smiled at each person that walked into the conference room. She was a little overwhelmed when some of them seemed to be preparing for a meeting in the room. She walked over and got a Grape flavored Muggle soda and popped the top and then headed back to where she had been standing beside the two wizards. She flicked her wrist and her wand shot into her right wrist. With a little flick of her wand and a little mumble of a spell, Wizard Rock started playing in the background...not too loud but not so quiet that you couldn't hear it.
She smiled at the crowd and announced, "No worries everyone...this isn't meant to be a meeting of any sort, I just wanted us all to come in and get to know each other. So get up and mingle and grab some goodies and enjoy yourself. No need to start the time together with a boring meeting." she said with a smile still holding the wand in her hand...it glided with her arms...yes she was a talked that used her hands to tell stories so her wand flicked back and forth like she was directing a band, "I guess I should officially introduce myself to everyone. I'm Iridesca MacMillan, the Department Head." she said with a little nod.
She waited for others to get up and move and then she turnd towards a familiar face beside her, "Gavin, I'm happy to see you returned to our division...I hope you had a great break after our little fiasco at Hogwarts." she said with a little wink....she knew it had been noneventful but it was the last real adventure she'd been on.
So this isn't suppose a meeting. This isn't suppose to be when employees sit in chairs and talk and discuss problems within the wizarding world. So this is just suppose to be a kind of like a party thing. So this is just suppose to be where you meet people in the department and say hi and stuff.
Emerald stuffed all that imformation in her head and got up from her chair, tapping her feet a little to the music.
Well, this isn't so bad. Not bad at all! Emmy thought,
This is actually way better than boring excuse me, I meant, uninteresting conferences. Emerald walked around the rooming, still holding on to her Muggle soda, looking around to see if there's anyone she could talk to. Everyone seems so busy as they themselves talked to one another.
Say hi to the department head maybe? Emerald waited for the last person to finish talking to the department and strided over.
"Hi, I'm Emerald Skye, I'm new to the department." She started, smiling a little. Actually, she doesn't feel nervous at all now! It just...natrually came out.
This is getting better than I thought, thought Emmy, who was desperate to get use to this new department.