Originally Posted by
LouLou Malfoy
Skipping to her own table, Ever-Lily took in the familiar surroundings and grinned to herself. She glanced around for a split second, but decided to sit where there was a small empty space. Ever was never really the 'loner' type, but she wanted to scan the room for a moment.
She drummed her fingers on the table contently and sat up straighter to peek at the other house tables.
" Just thought I drop by and say hello" William told Ever-Lily. " So when do classes start?" Wiliam asked Ever-Lily.
Originally Posted by
Fee made her way to the Slytherin table smiling to herself.Yes,she knew she was kinda late but seriously she couldnt wear the saame dress on the train ride and at the feast.No no.Her boyfriend would be there,she needed to look fabulous.Giggling a little about her thoughts the blonde hsook her head and walked further down to her housemates.As she was about to sit down,the third year spotted a familiar head that didnt quite belong here and her smile grew even wider.Her heart starting beating faster and she felt happy as the girl plopped down next to hr boyfriend and placed a little kiss on his cheek."Are you looking for someone in particular?",Fee asked innocently looking at the ravenclaw beside her.
" Hello hot blonde" Wiliam called out to Fee. " Your boyfreind Hugo prefers me to call you friendly and smart, he thinks hot blonde is not proper" William told Fee. "Do you like the nickname?" William asked Fee. Hugo is nice, but I think he needs to treat you like a girfriend, not a friend" Willaim explained to Fee.