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Selador was very busy taking in his surroundings, habitually noting in his mind every window and every entrance or exit to the place. He did this subconsciously just in case.
"Well I think you are both very interesting, and the boat on the lake is interesting, and this castle is interesting... but what I'm interested in the most is how everyone is eating when there is no food yet..." Selador looked up at the staff table, wondering when the headmaster was going to give his speech. "I was told by an older student that the food shows up here magically, but not until the headmaster gives his speech. Probably wants us all focused or something." Selador laughed, "Unless, of course, I'm having one of my delusions and we've been eating all along..." Selador winked at Aurora, "Yes. I'm Delusive." He laughed again. He was in such a great mood, he felt like he belonged to something for the first time in his life, he had friends and people here weren't weird about his eyes. The atmosphere was charged with magic, and his potential for greatness never seemed more attainable.
"We're all a little mad though, yeah?"
"Delusive, now that I can believe. Wasn't the sorting hat song good!?" Aurora smiled at Selador.
[OOC: Oh just go with it
You were eating before, I realised a while back but other people seemed to be eating so y'know...]