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I'm sure he'll find his way when the time comes. But he's young and is curious to experiment. Everyone is at times, aren't they? So one day when he is older the make-up will pass and he will thank you for letting him be curious in school with his style. Besides he's a boy- they're all going to do what they want anyway." Sophie joked.
When she mentioned Jake Sophie got a little uncomfortable. It was true that sometimes being Jake Skylar's wife became a little exhausting, but she loved her husband and wouldn't ever change her mind about her choice to marry him. "It can be a little much some days, but most days I am just happy to be there with him. It's a journey for sure, but he lets me do my own thing and I am so grateful for it. He's wonderful."
"I'm sure he is, because such a nice person as yourself cannot have anything less than a nice person. She smiled at Sophie. "you have no need to fear me on that score Sophie-San. I only know of your husband because Connor follows quidditch. I want to be your friend because I genuinely like you." She bowed, afraid she had offended her friend.