Poor Braeden was already off to a messy start. Not only had he managed to dump a few pounds worth of food onto his lap (and he'd been wearing brand new robes, too! ;__; ), but he was surrounded by witnesses, as well.
Oh, Merlin.
Yeah... this wasn't embarrassing at all. So much for starting off his sixth year as the 'wise, all-knowing' upperclassman. Was that a first or second year laughing at him?!
Guess the 'wise' and 'all-knowing' will have to come next term.
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As the girl stood their with a apologetic expression on her face, she could help but find herself glance at what another boy had seemed to have done. His food had fallen in his lap. The Slytherin did a -gigglesnort- sort of sound and quickly covered her mouth. Daaang where had that come from? "Stuffing our face too fast are we?" she remarked with a smirk type thing on her face. She couldn't help in holding back a few more laughs. Everyone had done that once or twice in their life... maybe three times... still, every time she saw it happened, it she so happened to find it funny.
Braeden, who had a bad habit of forgetting that he owned a wand and attended a magic school (especially after the summer, when he was surrounded by all of his muggle family and neighbors), began to clean himself up with a couple hundred napkins. Which, of course, only made the mess worse.
And then he heard someone teasing him about stuffing his face. At the comment, the boy's brows furrowed slightly.
Heyyyyyyy! That wasn't very nice! Just because he was a little... clumsy, and... dorky, and... a klutz, and... hopeless, and...--
Okay, I get it!
The boy looked up at his bully, looking like a kicked puppy at the side of the road, before his brown eyes widened with surprise.
Oh. It wasn't some random, mean, ugly person teasing him. It was a really pretty girl, actually; and, judging by her robes... go figure, a Slytherin. "Can't blame a growing boy-- man, a growing
man" - YEAH, 'cause he was a SIXTH year now! He was a
man! "for needing food now, can we?" said the boy in his defense, with the slightest hint on his lips of another one of those lopsided grins that made him look like a total, complete, hopeless doofus. Which he kinda was.
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Fourth year. That meant three more years before graduating- Yikes. The train ride to Hogwarts was actually quite short this time compared to last year. Maybe she was just getting use to it?
The blonde, who was bored at her own table, walked over to the Gryffindor table. Perhaps she would see one of her friends here. And there was one. The adorkable, cute brunette. Braeden Stonem. She called his name and it seemed as if he dropped something on himself.. Oh dear. Emma hadn't seen Braeden since Sugarplums and there encounter ended quite quickly actually. She couldn't really remembered what had happened. Did they manage to catch up? She wasn't a hundred percent sure.
The fourth year saw an open seat next to him. "Hey Brae, can I sit here please? Sorry about calling your name and making you... spill your food.." she said, sheepishly. She always managed to catch people at the worst time these days. The blonde beamed him a warm smile. She pulled her wand and pointed to the mess he had made and whispered the charm for the scourgify spell. It cleaned up the mess immediately. "There we go. All better."
Ahh, and then there was another Slytherin in sight! This one just as pretty as the last, but a little nicer as she immediately proceeded to clean the hopeless boy's mess. Braeden's brown eyes lit up at the sight of his now-sparkling-clean robes and turned to Emma with the widest of grins. "Merlin... thanks for that, Em. Always there to save the day, aren't you?" he said with a soft chuckle. It was true, though. It seemed almost every time Brae was too dull to remember his wand, Emma was always there performing magic with more grace and knowledge than most of the professors at the school.
Kinda put the sixth year boy to shame, but he didn't care.
"Uh... no, actually, I was reserving that seat for my pet dragon," said Braeden seriously as Emma asked if she could sit beside him. And then he laughed - okay, maybe it hadn't been THAT funny, but he thought he was hilarious. "I'm joking, 'course you can sit here. I need my babysitter around when I'm doing risky things... like having dinner..." he trailed off with a chuckle.
Aw shucks, I'm full of jokes today. Har har har.
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Chris strode confidently over to the Gryffindor table, excited for yet another year at Hogwarts to break the monotony of normal life. Even purebloods get bored during the summer.
She plopped down into a random seat, piling food of all kinds onto her plate. She hadn't eaten like this since well... since the last feast. She turned her head as she heard a slight yelp coming from an older boy next to her, and couldn't help but laugh a little as she noticed the food dripping slowly to the floor from his lap. "Need some help?" she said politely. Just because it was funny didn't mean she had to rub it in.
Awww look, it was a cute little first or second year... laughing at him...
Wait, what?! Laughing?! Yeah, okay, it wasn't embarrassing at all when even the younger students were laughing at you. Poor Brae looked like the younger Gryffindor had just punched him in the face.
As the little girl offered to help him, though, the boy couldn't help but smile. "That's alright, my babysitter here is taking care of me," he said, gesturing toward the pretty blonde sitting at his other side before turning back to his plate which was now empty. He considered re-filling it, but thought better of it... He still had to eat, but he was going to have to take it slow this time.