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Zander pushed open the solid oak doors slowly, his attention somewhere else. He was more concerned on that annoying little wrinkle on the front of his nicely pressed white dress shirt. Sure it was covered now by his tie but the fact that the wrinkle was still there, bothered him. Clearly he had a defective shirt. He would have to return it back to the company. Or complain. As he made his way into the office his brown eyes darted around taking in his surroundings. The place was nice- of course it was the Ministry. Clean. Neat. Just how he liked it.
Passing by two people who he assumed were his co-workers Zander gave them both a big smile. "Good Morning!"
Blake ran his hands through his hair carelessly as J.J Starr talked. He was starting to get a bit bored. If only he knew what to do. A smile grew on his face as he heard someone else walking towards them.
"'Morning, I'm Blake Evergreen."