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Tyler wondered onto the platform, he gave a quick goodbye to his parents who were almost crying, really there wasn't any need for tears. He laughed and walked off towards the train, he already had his wizards hat on and wouldv'e wore his bright red cape but his parents had told him to keep it off for now.
He wondered down the corridors, he had a big bag of candy in one hand, all full of Canadian candy he was hoping to share with whoever he found on the train. He was close to sitting in a random compartment when he saw Nessie, and the girl he had meet at the ice cream store, Danielle.
"Boooo!" he said as he entered the compartment they were both in "helloooo there you two" he said as he waved to them.
Nessie still jumped even though she saw Tyler coming. "Hey Ty, How you?" said Nessie glad Tyler had also came to sit with them. "So can you believe its today? asked Nessie as she felt as though it was only yesterday that she was a little girl learning how to walk. Now here she was eleven years old ready to become a well trained witch.