Hala Madrid | What's up? | Live F♥rever | Nade ♥ First day at work.
Chris didn't complain to have a job, but if that meant to wake up early then yes, he will. He didn't know what to expect of this new job but was excited to work at the Ministry and so his family was. He walked into the work area with a cup of coffee on his hand, something had to wake him up and coffee was perfect for that job. There were people already in the room, he placed his stuff on an empty desk, "Good morning!" he said to them smiling and introduced himself "I'm Chris, Scourgify specialist" he took a sip from his coffee before continuing and placed it on the table "So, how's everyone?" he asked. He was in a good mood but just because it was first day, next time he might not be feeling this happy.
__________________  SHREWD | DUTIFUL | UNYIELDING watching you, always watching |